
Euskararen i(ra)kaskuntza-prozesuak: hezkuntza eta hizkuntza teknologiak

Ingurune digitalean bizi arren, bi arazo ezberdin izan ditzakegu: bat, teknologiaren eraldaketa azkarra edota egokitu gabekoa izatea eta, bi, euskara eta antzeko baliabide mugatuetako hiz- kuntzetan behar diren teknologiak ez sortzea edota erabilgarri ez egotea.

Learning about phraseology from corpora: A linguistically motivated approach for Multiword Expression identification.

Multiword Expressions (MWEs) are idiosyncratic combinations of words which pose important challenges to Natural Language Processing. Some kinds of MWEs, such as verbal ones, are particularly hard to identify in corpora, due to their high degree of morphosyntactic flexibility. This paper describes a linguistically motivated method to gather detailed information about verb+noun MWEs (VNMWEs) from corpora. Although the main focus of this study is Spanish, the method is easily adaptable to other languages.


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